Cieza, city of flavour

We are fortunate to belong to a land with a great agricultural culture and unbeatable conditions for farming.

Cieza’s climatic and environmental conditions mean that the area’s crops enjoy unique advantages. The natural environment, bathed by the waters of the Segura River, provides the perfect temperature for the flowering and production of our fruits.

One of Cieza’s most famous tourist attractions is its flowering. With some 13,000 hectares dedicated to the cultivation of fruit, in the months of February and March the greatest floral variety in the world appears. Millions of flowers of different tones blend in with the green of the stems and leaves, turning our agriculture into a spectacle. Weeks later, these flowers give way to our stone fruits.

Generation after generation, our farmers have dedicated their entire lives to the fields in order to obtain the highest quality fruit. This agricultural tradition is now reflected in the flavour of our most characteristic fruits.

The cooperative works with producers from different municipalities in the Region of Murcia whose climate and soil conditions are similar to those of Cieza. In this way, we make it possible to produce stone fruit of the highest quality and flavour:

“We unite the efforts of all these farmers and their workers to market their products and offer our national and international customers a wide range of high quality products”.