
Thader Cieza is the first stone fruit cooperative in the Region of Murcia. The cooperative was founded in 1973 by a group of 19 innovative farmers with the aim of promoting their fruit and marketing their produce.

Cieza thus became the first town in the region with a stone fruit cooperative. Today, 130 members endorse cooperativism as the most efficient way to achieve their objectives.

Thader Cieza is the first stone fruit cooperative in the Region of Murcia. The cooperative was founded in 1973 by a group of 19 innovative farmers with the aim of promoting their fruit and marketing their products.

Cieza thus became the first town in the region with a stone fruit cooperative. In order to promote the town of Cieza as the "Land of the Peach", the farmers started what was to be their first major campaign in July 1982: the peach festivals.

The efforts of the first farmers began to bear fruit as the number of members increased. In 1987, Thader Cieza reached a production of over one million kilos for the first time.

One year later, Cieza was already at the top of the list of municipalities with the largest surface area dedicated to stone fruit cultivation.

These pioneers of flavour continued to seek new members and work to increase their productivity and recognition. In 2002, the cooperative doubled its figures and exceeded 12,000,000 kilos produced for the first time.

So it was that a year later, on 7 May 2003, they opened the largest warehouse in their history.

The market continued to evolve and Thader Cieza's production was increasingly in demand. After a lot of hard work, they managed to acquire new land and in 2007 they invested in a new warehouse and loading bays, to which they would later add the construction of new cold stores and the improvement of the facilities.

50 years later, 130 members endorse cooperativism as the most effective way to achieve their objectives. Union, work and passion for flavour. Hundreds of generations of lovers of the countryside and faithful defenders of the land, which have made it possible for Cieza to be a town with its own flavour.